DISCLAIMER: NOTHING STATED ON THIS WEBSITE IS LEGAL ADVICE! Read this notice BEFORE you contact me! Internet posts by DV Survivor Defense or Laura Umetsu are never offered as legal advice. They are meant as general legal commentary.

Also, because laws and the courts' interpretations change over time, posts can soon become irrelevant given a change in statute or pivotal court case. Do not rely on any response posted on the internet as applicable to your specific problem or circumstances. 

Exchange of information through online forums, including email solicitation, does not automatically establish an attorney-client relationship with Attorneys or DV Survivor Defense Northwest. Please do not call or email with a “few questions.” Attorneys give advice, make recommendations, and answer specific questions only after reviewing the documentary record and other evidence applicable to a specific client, and only in the course of or following a conference with aforementioned client in which all of the relevant information can be identified and developed. AND attorneys give legal advice ONLY in the course of an attorney-client relationship created and defined by a written contract for services, signed by client and by me (Laura Umetsu) or a member of my firm, for which payment (or agreement for pro bono services in writing and signed by both myself and the client) has been made.

Contacting us

Our Location

DV Survivor Defense Northwest

Mailing address:

P.O. Box 14123

Seattle, WA 98114

You can contact DV Survivor Defense Northwest by email or phone.

Telephone: +1.2069492453

Email: info@dvsurvivordefense.org